“Study to show thyself approved a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”-2nd Tim 2:15.
The atmosphere was charged, and the winner would emerge in the next few minutes. The best description for the last two contenders was just like that of David and Goliath- a stripling and a giant in comparative terms. The excited and exhilarated crowd cheered on, as hearts were pounding in tensed pulses, waiting for who would become the winner of Eagles youth camp 2012 Bible challenge. Lo and behold, the stripling has slain the giant again-the tumultuous crowd ran uncontrollably to the stage, and in celebration lifted up their champion, 10-year-old Josiah Banjo. So much wonder, that in the past 2 years, the winners of the Bible challenge at the Eagles youth camp have been young lads below the ages of 10 years.
The last winner before Josiah was Ife Fatade, who then was younger than Josiah.
To the careful observer, these trends depicts that the older youths, especially the male folks, need to pay more attention to really knowing their bible in terms of the letter and the spirit.
Yes “the letter killeth but the spirit giveth life”-it is the letter without the spirit that killeth. Now that we have the spirit, we need the letter more than ever before. In this age and time where atheists, sceptics and agnostics are all out to discredit the bible and make intellectual wreck of Christianity. They indeed have become more bold because of a lack of Christian apologetics who would discuss and dispute with them on the intellectual ground. “Their mouths must be stopped”!
We need more “Paul’s “of who were lettered under Gamaliel and spent three and a half years in the desert of Arabia to catch the spirit of the letters.
Note that this wonderful combination of the spirit and the letter is needed in this end time, ladened with apostates who call themselves apostles.
You do not know the bible by reading it but by studying it. Here are some questions though not exhaustive, that if honestly answered can give you an incline into how well you know your bible.
1. Do you have a study Bible?
2. Can you recite the books of the bible in their order off hand from Genesis to Revelation?
3. How many scriptures can you accurately recite?
4. What do you know about bible history?
5. Have you read the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation?
6. How often do you do, a book or subject study?
7. Can you with the bible, engage believers and non-believers in a one on one topical discussion?
Apostle Paul while writing to Timothy said if you study you will need not to be ashamed.
Not to study or know your bible therefore is a shame. To study your bible is work, which requires both
1 Comment
Thanks for the wonderful manual